Bad Wiring or Rats?

We settled into our new little home. I was happily fat and pregnant, with a toddler running wild in the house. I was working in the pharmacy industry and loved my work. He was was a musician, involved in that and very happy doing his job in that regard. He is a musical prodigy. The man can pick up any instrument and play it. He can not read music. He hears a song once and he plays it. I just need to throw that in there. He is an amazing father and doesn’t get told near enough how awesome he is. I thought we were going to live happily ever after.

Life doesn’t work that way does it? We 1st noticed at around the same times at night the sound of my youngest son running from his bedroom, thru the kitchen, past the living room to the bathroom. We would not hear him return to bed. So we started getting up to see if he was okay. He was not up. He never had been. I call this an unintelligent haunt. I believe that minerals in the earth recording information and replay it over and over. I think what we heard was my son running to the bathroom, but from another day and time in a loop.

The next thing we noticed was the lights were flickering a lot. Then the lights would flip on and off on their own. I don’t mean the light would shut off and the switch was still in the on position, I mean the switch was off and sometimes you could hear it flip on the switch and all. I chalked this up to bad wiring, and the flipped switch was like a fuse blowing. That is all nothing more I insisted.

Static in the air was another odd thing. I know that doesn’t seem odd, but it was. It was all the time. We constantly were shocking each other. I began blowing up light bulbs on accident. I would have sudden bursts of anger, right before an incident. It was not uncommon for me to flip a light on or off when angry, and the light bulb to blow up. Please understand what I’m saying. The light bulb didn’t blow out. It blew up and shattered, but I still thought it was normal.

We heard scratching from the walls next. I thought it was rats. I put out rats traps to catch the culprits. I never caught anything. The scratches escalated to banging on the walls. I still thought it was rats.

The Walls began to cry.

Then the walls began to cry. You read that correctly. The walls started crying. One afternoon I was walking out the door for work. I opened the door, and out of the corner of my eye, I see a figure sitting in the recliner. I double take and of course, no one was there. At the time I thought it was funny. So I said “Well, hello there.” and giggled. I could have sworn I heard a low grunt or growl. This sound I perceive freezes me in my tracks at the front door. I back up into the house straining to hear. I stood there perplexed listening.

I heard scratching. I follow the sound to the nursery. I put my hear against the wall trying to discern where exactly the sound is coming from. I realize something wet is on the wall. I pull back away from the wall to look at what is moist. It is a clear fluid, and it’s dripping down the wall with no apparent source. I am in Texas. I think this must be the walls weeping from the humidity. Sounds legit right?

This is yet, another red flag that I have ignored.

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