I Woke from Sleep, and I was Driving the Car

We had lived in the blue house for over a year or more and we were experiencing regular activity now. I was having night terrors, sleep paralysis and sleepwalking episodes where I was managing to escape the house and waking up in strange places outdoors.
I had been waking under the trampoline in our back yard; in the neighbors yard; in the garage; on the porch of our house; in the mudroom; under the coffee table; under the dining room table; behind the furniture; in the bathtub; and the place I woke up most was in the nursery closet. 
The fact I was waking in the nursery closet, was very disturbing to me. I felt and still feel that it was the center of the activity, or somehow a home base so to speak. I would wake up confused and disorientated. I felt tired all the time. I felt like I never actually slept. 
One normal night while the husband was away at a gig, I did as I always do and tucked my children in for bed.  It had not been 20 minutes when my daughter begin screaming in terror.  “MAMA! MAMA! MOMMY!”

When I walked into the kids room, my daughters eyes were as big as saucers.  I asked her what was wrong while, I rocked her and tried to sooth her.  She told me scary people were in there. “they” would not let her sleep. She told me that they looked sick, and kept reaching out to her in the dark. 
I became angry. This thing or these people were scaring my child. I assure you, there is nothing more dangerous than a parent protecting their child. I began praying. I prayed at each window with my hand over it, imagining a white light going over it as a barrier. I went over every wall and every threshold. I demanded that whatever was present to leave. I could feel things lighten somewhat in the house. The kids drifted off to sleep. My daughter calmed now that “they” had gone away finally. 
I went to bed that night feeling like had some sort of victory for my kids. I kept feeling like I was forgetting something though, but could not quite put my finger on it. I finally drifted off myself. 

I woke up driving. Yes, you read that correctly. I had escaped the house in a sleepwalking episode and was driving when I woke. I was running up onto a curb and it jarred me awake. Then I see red and blue lights go off in my rear view mirror. I also notice at this time that I am driving with no headlights on. 
I pull over trying to decide what to tell him. I don’t think he will believe this is a sleepwalking episode. 
“good evening ma’am. I noticed you had your headlights off and hit the curb. Are you alright?” Notice he skipped asking for my license. 

“Yes, I am sorry, I must have drifted off. I am just tired.” I respond. I am panicking now. That sucked. There is not any way he will believe that. 
“Where are you headed at this time of night?” 
I look at the clock in the car. It’s at 3 am. “I was going to the store to get medicine for my kids. They are sick.
He stood there quietly staring down at me. He still had not asked for my ID. “where do you live ma’am?”

I gave him the address which was only 3 blocks from where we were. 
“I tell ya what,” he says. “I want you to drive straight home. I escort you, to make sure you make it. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, sir. I do. Thank you very much.” I say relieved. 
“Don’t thank me. Just get home to your kids,” he responds as he walks back to his patrol car. 

Then it hits me! . The kids are at home alone. My husband is gone to a gig. “Oh, God!” I breathe in terror.

I drive as calmly as I can to my house. I wave nicely and thank the officer again. He waves at me and turns around in the driveway. He stops and watches me enter my home. Then he makes his way down the street. 

I sprint to the children’s room. They were all sleeping safely in their beds.  This was a red flag. I didn’t ignore it, but I didn’t move either. I was stubborn.  I was not going to be intimidated. Really!? I ask myself now. I was just plain stupid.  

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